This page is for clients to make additional payments for existing projects. Please use the relevant order page if you are making a new order.
Pay Balance on Research Packages
Pay for Hourly Research
Please do not make payments for hourly research before having contacted me.
Order Additional Copies of Family History Book - ONE SURNAME BOOK
The price of extra copies of the books depend on how many pages they contain. This form is for a One Surname Package Book. These are priced at £55 each plus £8 postage per order.
You will need the order code for the book - this is to ensure you are allowed by the original client to purchase a copy.
Order Additional Copies of Family History Book - TWO SURNAME BOOK
The price of extra copies of the books depend on how many pages they contain. This form is for a Two Surname Package Book. These are priced at £60 each plus £8 postage per order.
You will need the order code for the book - this is to ensure you are allowed by the original client to purchase a copy.
Order Additional Copies of Family History Book - FOUR SURNAME PACKAGE
The price of extra copies of the books depend on how many pages they contain. This form is for a Four Surname Package Book. These are priced at £70 each plus £8 postage per order.
You will need the order code for the book - this is to ensure you are allowed by the original client to purchase a copy.
Order Additional Copies of Family History Book - PEDIGREE PACKAGE
The price of extra copies of the books depend on how many pages they contain. This form is for a Pedigree Package Book. These are priced at £75 each plus £8 postage per order.
You will need the order code for the book - this is to ensure you are allowed by the original client to purchase a copy.